
✦ Mural in the Elihu Root Hall, Carnegie Institution for Science, Washington, DC. (photo: David Keith)

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Underlined files are hypertext linked to their copyrighted sources at the website of the journal. A free copy of any article may be obtained by writing Steve Shirey directly at sshirey-at-carnegiescience-dot-edu.     ORCID ID# 0000-0002-8544-4596

Ni P., Zhan Y., Chabot N. L., Ryan C. J., Zhu K., Nie N. X,. Shirey S. B., Shahar A. (2024). "Copper isotope fractionation during asteroid core solidification." Geochemical Perspectives Letters 31: 49-53.

Shirey, S.B., Pearson, D.G., Stachel, T., Walter, M.J. (2024) Sublithospheric Diamonds: Plate Tectonics from Earth's Deepest Mantle Samples, Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 52, 9.1-9.45

Peters, D., Rizo, H., O’Neil, J., Hamelin, C., Shirey, S.B. (2024) Comparative 142Nd and 182W study of MORBs and the 4.5 Gyr evolution of the upper mantle. Geochemical Perpsective Letters 29 51–56.

Legros, H., Czas, J., Luo, Y., Woodland, S., Sarkar, C. Shirey, S.B., Schulze, D. & Pearson, D.G.  (2024) Post-Archean Nb-REE-U enrichment in the Superior craton recorded in metasomatised mantle rocks erupted in the 1.1 Ga Midcontinental Rift event. Mineralium Deposita 59, 373–396 (2024).

Timmerman, S., Stachel, T., Koornneef, J.M., Smit, K.V., Harlou, R., Nowell, G. M.,  Thomson, A. R., Kohn, S.C., Davies, J.H.F.L.,  Davies, G. R., Krebs, M. Y., Zhang, Q., Milne, S.E.M., Harris, J.W., Kaminsky, F., Zedgenizov, D., Bulanova, G. Smith, C.B., Cabral Neto, I., Silveira, F.V., Burnham, A.D., Nestola, F., Shirey, S.B., Walter, M.J., Steele, A. & Pearson, D.G. (2023) Sublithospheric diamond ages and the supercontinent cycle. Nature 623, 752–756.

Smith, E.M., Smit, K.V., and Shirey, S.B. (2022) Methods and Challenges of Establishing the Geographic Origin of Diamonds. Gems and Gemology 58, 270-288.

Smit, K.V., Timmerman, S., Aulbach, S., Shirey, S.B., Richardson, S.H., Phillips, D., and Pearson, D.G. (2022) Geochronology of Diamonds. in Smit, K.V., Shirey, S.B., Pearson, D.G., Stachel, T., Nestola, F., and Moses, T. eds. Diamond: Genesis, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 88 567–636.

Kjarsgaard, B. A., de Wit, M., Heaman, L.M., Pearson, D.G., Stiefenhofer, J., Janusczcak, N. and Shirey, S.B. (2022) A Review of the Geology of Global Diamond Mines and Deposits. in Smit, K.V., Shirey, S.B., Pearson, D.G., Stachel, T., Nestola, F., and Moses, T. eds. Diamond: Genesis, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 88 1-117.  Supplement for Chapter 1 

Smit, K.V., Shirey, S.B., Pearson, D.G., Stachel, T., Nestola, F., and Moses, T. eds. (2022) Diamond: Genesis, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 88, Mineralogical Society of America, Chantilly, VA. i-xvi + 876 pages. ISBN 978-1-946850-10-2

—2023 WINNER—



Walter, M. J. Kohn, S.C., Pearson, D.G., Shirey, S.B., Speich, L. Stachel, T., Thomson, A.R., and Yang, J. (2022) Comment on “Discovery of davemaoite, CaSiO3-perovskite, as a mineral from the lower mantle.” Science 376, eabo0882 (2022).  

Smith, J. M., Ripley, E. M., Li, C., Shirey, S. B. & Benson, E. K. (2022) Magmatic origin for the massive sulfide ores in the sedimentary country rocks of mafic–ultramafic intrusions in the Midcontinent Rift System. Mineralium Deposita 1–22.  Supplemental File 1  Supplemental File 2

Wang, D., Shirey, S.B., Carlson, R.W., Fisher, C.M., Kemp, A. I.S., Bickford, M. E. (2022) Comparative Sm-Nd isotope behavior of accessory minerals: Reconstructing the Sm-Nd isotope evolution of early Archean rocks. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 318, 190–212.   Supplemental Information

Staddon, L. G., Parkinson, I.J., Cavosie, A.J., Elliott, T., Valley, J.W., Fournelle, J., Kemp, A.I.S., Shirey, S.B. (2021) Detrital Chromite from Jack Hills, Western Australia: Signatures of Metamorphism and Constraints on Provenance. J Petrol 62, 1-30. Supplemental Information

Shirey, S. B., Wagner, L. S., Walter, M. J., Pearson, D. G., & van Keken, P. E. (2021). Slab transport of fluids to deep focus earthquake depths—thermal modeling constraints and evidence from diamonds. AGU Advances, 2, e2020AV000304.      Supplemental Information

Wang, D. et al. Comparative Sm-Nd isotope behavior of accessory minerals: Reconstructing the Sm-Nd isotope evolution of early Archean rocks. Geochim Cosmochim Ac 318, 190–212 (2022).

Smith, E.M., Peng, N., Shirey, S.B., Richardson, SH., Wang, W., and Shahar, A. (2021) Heavy iron in large gem diamonds traces deep subduction of serpentinized ocean floor. Science Advances 7: eabe9773

Bauer, A. M.,  Reimink, J. R., Chacko, T., Foley, B. J., Shirey, S.B., Pearson, D.G. (2020) Hafnium isotopes in zircons document the gradual onset of mobile-lid tectonics. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 14: doi:10.7185/geochemlet.2015.

Howell, D., Stachel T., Stern R. A., Pearson D. G., Nestola F., Hardman M. F., Harris J. W., Jaques A. L., Shirey S.B., Cartigny P., Smit K. V., Aulbach S., Brenker F. E., Jacob D. E., Thomassot E., Walter M. J., and Navon O. (2020). Deep carbon through time: Earth’s diamond record and its implications for carbon cycling and fluid speciation in the mantle. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 275: 99-122.

Smit, K. V. and Shirey, S.B. (2020) Diamonds are not forever! Diamond dissolution. Gems & Gemology 56: 148–155.

Ionov D. A., Guo, Peng, Nelson, Wendy R., Shirey, Steven B., Wilbold, Mathius (2020). Paleoproterozoic melt-depleted lithospheric mantle in the Khanka block, far eastern Russia: Inferences for mobile belts bordering the North China and Siberian cratons. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 270: 95-110.

Shirey, S., Smit, K., Pearson, D., Walter, M., Aulbach, S., Brenker, F. E., Bureau, H., Burnham, A. D., Cartigny, P., Chacko, T., Frost, D. J. , Hauri, E. H., Jacob, D. E.,  Jacobsen, S. D., Kohn, S. C., Luth, R. W., Mikhail, S., Navon, O., Nestola, F., Nimis, P., Smith, E. M., Stachel, T., Stagno, V., Steele, A., Thomassot, E., Thomson, A. R., Weiss, Y. (2019). Diamonds and the Mantle Geodynamics of Carbon: Deep Mantle Carbon Evolution from the Diamond Record. In B. Orcutt, I. Daniel, & R. Dasgupta (Eds.), Deep Carbon: Past to Present (pp. 89-128). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108677950.005.

Mikhail, S., McCubbin, F., Jenner, F., Shirey, S., Rumble, D., Bowden, R. (2019). Diamondites: evidence for a distinct tectono-thermal diamond-forming event beneath the Kaapvaal craton Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 174: 71.

Smit, K. V. and Shirey, S.B. (2019) Kimberlites: Earth’s Diamond Delivery System. Gems & Gemology 55: 270-276.

Wenz, M.D., Jacobsen, S.D, Zhang, D., Regier, M., Bausch, H.J., Dera, P.K., Rivers, M., Eng, P., Shirey, S.B., and Pearson, D.G. (2019) Fast identification of mineral inclusions in diamond at GSECARS using synchrotron X-ray microtomography, radiography, and diffraction. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 26(5).

Smith, E. M., Shirey, S. B., Richardson, S.H., F. Nestola, F., Bullock, E. S., Wang, J. and Wang, W. (2019) Reply to: Evidence for two blue (type IIb) diamond populations, Nature 570, E28-E29, 2019.

Smit, K. V. and Shirey, S.B. (2019) How Old Are Diamonds? Are They Forever? Gems & Gemology 55: 102–109.

Nelson, W., Hanan, B., Graham, D., Shirey, S., Yirgu, G., Ayalew, D., Furman, T. (2019). Distinguishing Plume and Metasomatized Lithospheric Mantle Contributions to Post-Flood Basalt Volcanism on the Southeastern Ethiopian Plateau.  Journal of Petrology 60: 1063-1094.

Smit, K.V., Shirey, S.B., Hauri, E.H., and Stern, R.A. (2019) Sulfur isotopes in diamonds reveal differences in continent construction. Science 364: 383-385.

Reimink, J. R., Pearson, D. G., Shirey, S. B., Carlson, R. W.,  Ketchum, J. W. F. (2019) Onset of new, progressive crustal growth in the central Slave craton at 3.5 Ga. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 10: 7-12.

Smit, K. V. and Shirey, S.B. (2018) How do diamonds form in the deep Earth? Gems & Gemology 54: 440–445.

Smith, E. M., Shirey, S. B., Richardson S. H., Nestola, F., Bullock, E. S., Wang, J., & Wang, W. (2018). Blue boron-bearing diamonds from Earth’s lower mantle. Nature 560: 84–87.

Taranovic, V., Ripley, E. M., Li, C., & Shirey, S. B. (2018). S, O, and Re-Os Isotope Studies of the Tamarack Igneous Complex: Melt-Rock Interaction During the Early Stage of Midcontinent Rift Development. Economic Geology, 113(5), 1161–1179.

Smit, K. V. and Shirey, S. B.​ (2018) Diamonds help solve the enigma of Earth's deep water, Gems & Gemology, Vol. 54 (no. 2) 220-223.

Reimink, J. R., Chacko, T., Carlson, R. W., Shirey, S. B., Liu, J., Stern, R. A., et al. (2018). Petrogenesis and tectonics of the Acasta Gneiss Complex derived from integrated petrology and 142Nd and 182W extinct nuclide-geochemistry. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 494: 12–22.

Smith, E. M., Shirey, S. B. & Wang, W. (2017). The very deep origin of the world's biggest diamonds. Gems and Gemology 53: 388–403,

Agrosi, G., Tempesta, G., Mele, D., Allegretta, I., Terzano, R., Shirey, S. B., et al. (2017). Non-destructive, multi-method, internal analysis of multiple inclusions in a single diamond: First occurrence of mackinawite (Fe,Ni)(1+x)S. American MIneralogist, 102: 2235–2243.

Van Rythoven, A. D., Schulze, D. J., Hauri, E. H., Wang, J., & Shirey, S. B.(2017). Intra-crystal co-variations of carbon isotopes and nitrogen contents in diamond from three North American cratons. Chemical Geology 467: 12–29.

Garçon, M., Carlson, R. W., Shirey, S. B., Arndt, N. T., Horan, M. F., & Mock, T. D. (2017). Erosion of Archean continents: The Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf isotopic record of Barberton sedimentary rocks. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 206: 216–235.

Garçon, M., Sauzéat, L., Carlson, R. W., Shirey, S. B., Simon, M., Balter, V., & Boyet, M. (2017). Nitrile, Latex, Neoprene and Vinyl Gloves: A Primary Source of Contamination for Trace Element and Zn Isotopic Analyses in Geological and Biological Samples. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research.

Shigley, J. E., Shor, R., Padua, P., Breeding, C. M., Shirey, S. B., & Ashbury, D. (2016). Mining Diamonds in the Canadian Arctic: the Diavik Mine. Gems and Gemology 52: 104–131.

Smith, E. M., Shirey, S. B., Nestola, F., Bullock, E. S., Wang, J., Richardson Stephen, H., & Wang, W. (2016). Large gem diamonds from metallic liquid in Earth’s deep mantle. Science 354: 1403–1405.

Jackson, M. G., Shirey, S. B., Hauri, E. H., Kurz, M. D., & Rizo, H. (2016). Peridotite xenoliths from the Polynesian Austral and Samoa hotspots: Implications for the destruction of ancient 187Os and 142Nd isotopic domains and the preservation of Hadean 129Xe in the modern convecting mantle. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 185(Supplement C), 21–43.

Smit, K. V., Shirey, S. B., Stern, R. A., Steele, A., & Wang, W. (2016). Diamond growth from C–H–N–O recycled fluids in the lithosphere: Evidence from CH4 micro-inclusions and δ13C–δ15N–N content in Marange mixed-habit diamonds. Lithos, 265 IS -, 68–81.

Smit, K. V., Shirey, S. B., & Wang, W. (2016). Type Ib diamond formation and preservation in the West African lithospheric mantle: Re–Os age constraints from sulphide inclusions in Zimmi diamonds. Precambrian Research, 286 IS -, 152–166.

Ankney, M. E., Shirey, S. B., Hart, G. L., Bacon, C. R., & Johnson, C. M. (2016). Os and U–Th isotope signatures of arc magmatism near Mount Mazama, Crater Lake, Oregon. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 437 IS -, 25–34.

Harvey, J., Warren, J. M., & Shirey, S. B. (2016). Mantle Sulfides and their Role in Re–Os and Pb Isotope Geochronology. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 81(1), 579–649.

Foustoukos, D.I., Bizimis, M., Frisby, C., and Shirey, S.B. (2015) Redox controls on Ni–Fe–PGE mineralization and Re/Os fractionation during serpentinization of abyssal peridotite: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 150, 11–25. 

Shor, R., Weldon, R., Janse, A. J. A. B., Breeding, C. M., & Shirey, S. B. (2015). Letseng's Unique Diamond Proposition. Gems and Gemology, 51(3), 280–299.

Bybee, G.M., Ashwal, L.D., Shirey, S.B., Horan, M., Mock, T., and Andersen, T.B. (2014) Pyroxene megacrysts in Proterozoic anorthosites: Implications for tectonic setting, magma source and magmatic processes at the Moho: Earth And Planetary Science Letters, v. 389,  74–85.

Huang, Y., Strati, V., Mantovani, F., Shirey, S. B., & McDonough, W. F. (2014). Regional study of the Archean to Proterozoic crust at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO+), Ontario: Predicting the geoneutrino flux. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 15(10), 3925–3944.

Shirey, S.B., and Shigley, J.E., 2013, Recent advances in understanding the geology of diamonds: Gems and Gemology, v. 49, 188–222.

Shirey, S.B., Cartigny, P., Frost, D.J., Keshav, S., Nestola, F., Nimis, P., Pearson, D.G., Sobolev, N.V., and Walter, M.J. (2013) Diamonds and the Geology of Mantle Carbon: Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, v. 75, p. 355–421.

Warren, J.M., and Shirey, S.B. (2012) Lead and osmium isotopic constraints on the oceanic mantle from single abyssal peridotite sulfides: Earth And Planetary Science Letters, v. 359, p. 279–293. 

Nelson, W. R., Furman, T., van Keken, P. E., Shirey, S. B., & Hanan, B. B. (2012). OsHf isotopic insight into mantle plume dynamics beneath the East African Rift System. Chemical Geology, 320-321, 66–79.

Steele A., McCubbin F.M., Fries M., Kater L., Boctor N.Z., Fogel M.L., Conrad P.G., Glamoclija M., Spencer M., Morrow A.L., Hammond M.R., Zare R.N., Vicenzi E., Siljstrom S., Bowden R., Herd C.D.K., Mysen B.O., Shirey S.B., Amundsen H.E.F., and Treiman A.H. T. (2012) A reduced organic carbon component in Martian basalts. Science v. 337, p. 212-215.

Ding, X., Ripley, E. M., Shirey, S. B., & Li, C. (2012). Os, Nd, O and S isotope constraints on country rock contamination in the conduit-related Eagle Cu–Ni–(PGE) deposit, Midcontinent Rift System, Upper Michigan. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 89, 10–30.

Walter, M. J., Kohn, S. C., Araujo, D., Bulanova, G. P., Smith, C. B., Gaillou, E., et al. (2011). Deep mantle cycling of oceanic crust: Evidence from diamonds and their mineral inclusions. Science, 334, 54–57.

Shirey S.B. and  Richardson S.H., 2011, Start of the Wilson Cycle at 3 Ga Shown by Diamonds from Subcontinental Mantle. Science v. 333, p. 434-436.

Jackson M.G., Shirey S.B., 2011, Re–Os isotope systematics in Samoan shield lavas and the use of Os-isotopes in olivine phenocrysts to determine primary magmatic compositions. Earth and Planetary Science Letters v. 312, p. 91-101.

Aulbach, S., Stachel, T., Heaman, L.M., Creaser, R.A., and Shirey, S.B., 2010, Formation of cratonic subcontinental lithospheric mantle and complementary komatiite from hybrid plume sources: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v.161, p. 947-960.

Smit, K.V., Shirey, S.B., Richardson, S.H., Le Roex, A.P., and Gurney, J.J., 2010, Re–Os isotopic composition of peridotitic sulphide inclusions in diamonds from Ellendale, Australia: Age constraints on Kimberley cratonic lithosphere: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 74, p. 3292-3306.

Janney, P., Shirey, S.B., Carlson, R.W., Pearson, D.G., Bell, D., Le Roex, A.P., Ishikawa, A., Nixon, P.H., and Boyd, F.R., 2010, Age, Composition and Thermal Characteristics of South African Off-Craton Mantle Lithosphere: Evidence for a Multi-Stage History: Journal of Petrology, v. 51, p. 1849-1890.

Gurney, J., Helmstaedt, H., Richardson, S., and Shirey, S., 2010, Diamonds through Time: Economic Geology, v. 105, p. 689.

Savov, I.P., Leeman, W.P., Lee, C.-T.A., and Shirey, S.B., 2009, Boron isotopic variations in NW USA rhyoites: Yellowstone, Snake River plain, eastern Oregon: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 188, p. 162-172.

Richardson, S., Pöml, P., Shirey, S., and Harris, J., 2009, Age and origin of peridotitic diamonds from Venetia, Limpopo Belt, Kaapvaal-Zimbabwe Craton: Lithos, v. 112, p. 785-792.

Jicha, B.R., Johnson, C.M., Beard, B.L., Hart, G.L., Shirey, S.B., and Singer, B., 2009, Discriminating assimilants and decoupling deep- vs. shallow-level crystal records at Mount Adams using 238U–230Th disequilibria and Os isotopes: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 277, p. 38-49.

Jicha, B.R., Hart, G.L., Johnson, C.M., Hildreth, W., Beard, B.L., Shirey, S.B., and Valley, J.W., 2009, Isotopic and trace lement constraints on the petrogenesis of lavas from the Mount Adams volcanic field, Washington: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 157, p. 189-207.

Class, C., Goldstein, S.L., and Shirey, S.B., 2009, Osmium isotopes in Grande Comore lavas: A new extreme among a spectrum of EM-type mantle endmembers: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 284, p. 219-227.

Aulbach, S., Stachel, T., Creaser, R.A., Heaman, L.M., Shirey, S.B., Muehlenbachs, K., Eichenberg, D., and Harris, J., 2009, Sulphide survival and diamond genesis during formation and evolution of Archaean subcontinental lithosphere: A comparison between the Slave and Kaapvaal cratons: Lithos, v. 112, p. 747-757.

Aulbach, S., Shirey, S.B., Stachel, T., Creighton, S., Muehlenbach, K., and Harris, J.W., 2009, Diamond formation episodes at the southern margin of the Kaapvaal Craton: Re-Os systematics of sulfide inclusions from the Jagersfontein Mine: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 157, p. 525-540.

Tomascak, P.B., Langmuir, C.H., le Roux, P.J., and Shirey, S.B., 2008, Lithium isotopes in global mid-ocean ridge basalts: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 72, p. 1626-1637.

Shirey, S.B., Kamber, B.S., Whitehouse, M.J., Mueller, P.A., and Basu, A.R., 2008, A review of the isotopic and trace element evidence for mantle and crustal processes in the Hadean and Archean: Implications for the onset of plate tectonic subduction, in Condie, K., and Pease, V., eds., When Did Plate Tectonics Begin on Earth?, Volume 440: Boulder, CO, Geological Society of America Special Paper, p. 1-29.

Richardson S. H. & Shirey, S. B. (2008). Continental mantle signature of Bushveld magmas and coeval diamonds. Nature, 453(7197), 910–913.

Jeanloz, R., Beck, S.L., Lisowski, M., Lorenzo, J.M., Mora, C.I., Rimstidt, J.D., Shirey, S.B., Stein, S., and Wirth, K., 2008, Big Science, Little Science: Review of NSF’s Earth Science Instrumentation and Facilities Program: EOS, v. 89, p. 61-62.

Carlson, R.W., Shirey, S.B., and Schöbächler, M., 2008, Platinum group element isotopic systems: Elements, v. 4, p. 239-245.

Yokoyama, T., Rai, V.K., Alexander, C.M.O.D., Lewis, R.S., Carlson, R.W., Shirey, S.B., Thiemens, M.H., and Walker, R.J., 2007, Osmium isotope evidence for uniform distribution of s- and r-process components in the early solar system: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 259, p. 567-580.

Luguet, A., Shirey, S.B., Lorand, J.-P., Horan, M.F., and Carlson, R.W., 2007, Residual platinum group minerals from highly depleted harzburgites of the Lherz massif (France) and their role in HSE fractionation of the mantle: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 71, p. 3082-3097.

Westerlund, K.J., Shirey, S.B., Richardson, S.H., Carlson, R.W., Gurney, J.J., and Harris, J.W., 2006, A subduction origin for Early Archean peridotitic diamonds and harzburgites from the Panda kimberlite, Slave craton: Implications from Re-Os isotope systematics: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 152, p. 275-294.

le Roux, P.J., Shirey, S.B., Hauri, E.H., Perfit, M.R., and Bender, J.F., 2006, The effects of variable sources, processes and contaminants on the composition of northern EPR MORB (8-10oN and 12-14oN): Evidence from volatiles (H2O, CO2, S) and halogens (F, Cl): Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 251, p. 209-231.

Ionov, D.A., Shirey, S.B., Weis, D., and Brugmann, G., 2006, Os-Hf-Sr-Nd isotope and PGE systematics of spinel peridotite xenoliths from Tok, SE Siberian craton: Effects of pervasive metasomatism in shallow refractory mantle: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 241, p. 47-64.

Westerlund, K.J., Gurney, J.J., Carlson, R.W., Shirey, S.B., Hauri, E.H., and Richardson, S.H., 2004, A metasomatic origin for late Archaean eclogitic diamonds: Implications from internal morphology of Klipspringer diamonds and Re-Os and S isotope characteristics of their sulfide inclusions: South African Journal of Geology, v. 107, p. 119-130.

Shirey, S.B., Richardson Stephen, H., and Harris, J.W., 2004, Integrated models of diamond formation and craton evolution: Lithos, v. 77, p. 923-944.

Shirey, S.B., Richardson, S.H., and Harris, J.W., 2004, Age, paragenesis, and composition of diamonds and evolution of the Precambrian mantle lithosphere of southern Africa: South African Journal Geology, v. 107, p. 91-106.

Richardson, S.H., Shirey, S.B., and Harris, J.W., 2004, Episodic diamond genesis at Jwaneng, Botswana, and implications for Kaapvaal craton evolution: Lithos, v. 77, p. 143-154.

le Roux, P.J., Shirey, S.B., Benton, L., Hauri, E.H., and Mock, T., 2004, In-situ, multiple-multiplier, LA-ICPMS measurement of boron isotopic composition (d11B) at the subnanogram level: Chemical Geology, v. 203, p. 123-138.

Becker, H., Carlson, R.W., and Shirey, S.B., 2004, Slab-derived osmium and isotopic disequilibrium in garnet pyroxenites from a Paleozoic convergent plate margin (lower Austria): Chemical Geology (Special Issue on Highly Siderophile Elements and High-Temperature Processes), v. 208, p. 141-156.

Wilson, A.H., Shirey, S.B., and Carlson, R.W., 2003, Archean ultra-depleted komatiites formed by hydrous melting of cratonic mantle: Nature, v. 423, p. 858-861.

Shirey, S.B., Harris, J.W., Richardson, S.H., Fouch, M.J., James, D.E., Cartigny, P., Deines, P., and Viljoen, F., 2003, Regional patterns in the paragenesis and age of inclusions in diamond, diamond composition and the lithospheric seismic structure of southern Africa: Lithos, v. 71, p. 243-258.

Pearson, D.G., Canil, D., and Shirey, S.B. (2003) Chapter 7 - Mantle samples included in volcanic rocks: xenoliths and diamonds, in Carlson, R.W., ed., Teatise On Geochemistry: Vol. 2, The Mantle: New York, Elsevier, p. 171-277.

Shirey, S.B., 1999, Waldemar Lindgren Award for 1999 - Citation of David Graham Pearson: Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, v. 94, p. 1389-1390.

—, 1999, Dating and paragenetic distinction of diamonds using the Re-Os isotope system; application to some Siberian diamonds, in Gurney John, J., Gurney James, L., Pascoe Michelle, D., and Richardson Stephen, H., eds., The P. H. Nixon Volume: Proceedings of the International Kimberlite Conference. 7, Vol: Cape Town, Red Roof Design, p. 637-643.

Pearson, D.G., and Shirey, S.B., 1999, Isotopic dating of diamonds, in Lambert David, D., and Ruiz, J., eds., Application of radiogenic isotopes to ore deposit research and exploration., Volume 12: Reviews in Economic Geology: Boulder, CO, United States, Society of Economic Geologists, p. 143-171.

Menzies, A.H., Carlson, R.W., Shirey, S.B., and Gurney, J.J., 1999, Re-Os systematics of Newlands peridotite xenoliths; implications for diamond and lithosphere formation, in Gurney, J.J., Gurney, J.L., Pascoe, M.D., and Richardson, S.H., eds., The P. H. Nixon Volume: Proceedings of the International Kimberlite Conference. 7, Vol: Cape Town, Red Roof Design, p. 566-573.

Koeberl, C., Shirey, S.B., Reimold, W.U., and South Africa, G.S., Council for Geoscience, South Africa,, 1999, Re-Os isotopic characteristics of breccias and target rocks from the Pretoria Saltpan impact crater, in Partridge, T.C., ed., Tswaing; investigations into the origin, age and palaeoenvironments of the Pretoria Saltpan., Volume 85: Memoir - Geological Survey (Pretoria): Pretoria, South Africa, Geological Survey of South Africa, Council for Geoscience, p. 55-63.

Carlson, R.W., Pearson, D.G., Boyd, F.R., Shirey, S.B., Irvine, G., Menzies, A.H., and Gurney, J.J., 1999, Re-Os systematics of lithosphere peridotites; implications for lithosphere formation and preservation, in Gurney, J.J., Gurney, J.L., Pascoe, M.D., and Richardson, S.H., eds., The J. B. Dawson Volume: Proceedings of the International Kimberlite Conference. 7, Vol: Cape Town, Red Roof Design, p. 99-108.

Brandon, A.D., Becker, H., Carlson, R.W., and Shirey, S.B., 1999, Isotopic constraints on time scales and mechanisms of slab material transport in the mantle wedge: evidence from the Simcoe mantle xenoliths, Washington, USA: Chemical Geology, v. 160, p. 387-407.

Staudigel, H., Albarede, F., Blichert-Toft, J., Edmond, J., McDonough, B., Jacobsen, S.B., Keeling, R., Langmuir, C.H., Nielsen, R.L., Plank, T., Rudnick, R., Shaw, H.F., Shirey, S.B., Veizer, J., and White, W., 1998, Geochemical Earth Reference Model (GERM): description of the initiative: Chemical Geology, v. 145, p. 153-159.

Shirey, S.B., and Walker, R.J., 1998, The Re-Os isotope system in cosmochemistry and high-temperature geochemistry: Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, v. 26, p. 423-500.

Pearson, D.G., Shirey, S.B., Harris, J.W., and Carlson, R.W., 1998, Sulphide inclusions in diamonds from the Koffiefontein kimberlite, S Africa; constraints on diamond ages and mantle Re-Os systematics: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 160, p. 311-326.

Koeberl, C., Reimold, W.U., and Shirey, S.B., 1998, The Aouelloul Crater, Mauritania; on the problem of confirming the impact origin of a small crater: Meteoritics and Planetary Science, v. 33, p. 513-517.

Shirey, S.B., 1997, Re-Os isotopic compositions of Midcontinent Rift System picrites; implications for plume-lithosphere interaction and enriched mantle sources: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 34, p. 489-503.

Nicholson, S.W., Shirey, S.B., Schulz, K.J., and Green, J.C., 1997, Rift-wide correlation of 1.1 Ga Midcontinent Rift System basalts; implications for multiple mantle sources during rift development: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 34, p. 504-520.

Koeberl, C., and Shirey, S.B., 1997, Re-Os isotope systematics as a diagnostic tool for the study of impact craters and distal ejecta: Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology, v. 132; 1-4, p. 25-46.

Hart, W.K., Carlson, R.W., and Shirey, S.B., 1997, Radiogenic Os in primitive basalts from the northwestern U.S.A.; implications for petrogenesis: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 150, p. 103-116.

French, B.M., Koeberl, C., Gilmour, I., Shirey, S.B., Dons, J.A., and Naterstad, J., 1997, The Gardnos impact structure, Norway; petrology and geochemistry of target rocks and impactites: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 61, p. 873-904.

Esperanca, S., Carlson, R.W., Shirey, S.B., and Smith, D., 1997, Dating crust-mantle separation; Re-Os isotopic study of mafic xenoliths from central Arizona: Geology, v. 25, p. 651-654.

Widom, E., and Shirey, S.B., 1996, Os isotope systematics in the Azores; implications for mantle plume sources: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 142, p. 451-465.

Koeberl, C., and Shirey, S.B., 1996, Re-Os isotope study of rocks from the Manson impact structure, in Koeberl, C., and Anderson Raymond, R., eds., The Manson impact structure, Iowa; anatomy of an impact crater., Volume 302: Special Paper - Geological Society of America: Boulder, CO, United States, Geological Society of America, p. 331-339.

Koeberl, C., Reimold, W.U., and Shirey, S.B., 1996, Re-Os isotope and geochemical study of the Vredefort Granophyre; clues to the origin of the Vredefort Structure, South Africa: Geology, v. 24, p. 913-916.

Johnson, C.M., Shirey, S.B., and Barovich, K.M., 1996, New approaches to crustal evolution studies and the origin of granitic rocks; what can the Lu-Hf and Re-Os isotope systems tell us?, in Brown, M., Candela, P.A., Peck, D.L., Stephens, W.E., Walker, R.J., and Zen, E.a., eds., The third Hutton symposium on the Origin of granites and related rocks., Volume 315: Special Paper - Geological Society of America: Boulder, CO, United States, Geological Society of America, p. 339-352.

Brandon, A.D., Creaser, R.A., Shirey, S.B., and Carlson, R.W., 1996, Osmium recycling in subduction zones: Science, v. 272, p. 861-864.

Shirey, S.B., and Walker, R.J., 1995, Carius tube digestion for low-blank rhenium-osmium analysis: Analytical Chemistry, v. 34, p. 2136-2141.

Pearson, D.G., Snyder, G.A., Shirey, S.B., Taylor, L.A., Carlson, R.W., and Sobolev, N.V., 1995, Archaean Re-Os age for Siberian eclogites and constraints on Archaean tectonics: Nature, v. 374, p. 711-713.

Pearson, D.G., Shirey, S.B., Carlson, R.W., Boyd, F.R., Pokhilenko, N.P., and Shimizu, N., 1995, Re-Os, Sm-Nd, and Rb-Sr isotope evidence for thick Archaean lithospheric mantle beneath the Silurian craton modified by multistage metasomatism: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 59, p. 959-977.

Pearson, D.G., Carlson, R.W., Shirey, S.B., Boyd, F.R., and Nixon, P.H., 1995, Stabilisation of Archaean lithospheric mantle; a Re-Os isotope study of peridotite xenoliths from the Kaapvaal Craton: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 134, p. 341-357.

McDonough, W.F., Arndt, N.T., and Shirey, S.B., 1995, Chemical evolution of the mantle: Amsterdam, Netherlands, Elsevier, 199-380 p.

Lambert, D.D., Shirey, S.B., and Bergman, S.C., 1995, Proterozoic lithospheric mantle source for the Prairie Creek lamproites; Re-Os and Sm-Nd isotopic evidence: Geology, v. 23, p. 273-276.

Shirey, S.B., Klewin, K.W., Berg, J.H., and Carlson, R.W., 1994, Temporal changes in the sources of flood basalts; isotopic and trace element evidence from the 1100 Ma old Keweenawan Mamainse Point Formation, Ontario, Canada: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 58, p. 4475-4490.

Martin, C.E., Carlson, R.W., Shirey, S.B., Frey, F.A., and Chen, C.Y., 1994, Os isotopic variation in basalts from Haleakala Volcano, Maui, Hawaii; a record of magmatic processes in oceanic mantle and crust: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 128, p. 287-301.

Lambert, D.D., Walker, R.J., Morgan, J.W., Shirey, S.B., Carlson, R.W., Zientek, M.L., Lipin, B.R., Koski, M.S., and Cooper, R.L., 1994, Re-Os and Sm-Nd isotope geochemistry of the Stillwater Complex, Montana; implications for the petrogenesis of the J-M Reef: Journal of Petrology, v. 35, p. 1717-1753.

Koeberl, C., Sharpton, V.L., Schuraytz, B.C., Shirey, S.B., Blum, J.D., and Marin, L.E., 1994, Evidence for a meteoritic component in impact melt rock from the Chicxulub structure: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 58, p. 1679-1684.

Koeberl, C., Reimold, W.U., Shirey, S.B., and le, R.F.G., 1994, Kalkkop Crater, Cape Province, South Africa; confirmation of impact origin using osmium isotope systematics: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 58, p. 1229-1234.

Koeberl, C., Reimold, W.U., and Shirey, S.B., 1994, Saltpan impact crater, South Africa; geochemistry of target rocks, breccias, and impact glasses, and osmium isotope systematics: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 58, p. 2893-2910.

Carlson, R.W., Shirey, S.B., Pearson, D.G., and Boyd, F.R., 1994, The mantle beneath continents: Year Book - Carnegie Institution of Washington, v. 1993, p. 109-117.

Schiotte, L., Hansen, B.T., Shirey, S.B., and Bridgwater, D., 1993, Petrological and whole rock isotopic characteristics of tectonically juxtaposed Archaean gneisses in the Okak area of the Nain Province, Labrador; relevance for terrane models: Precambrian Research, v. 63, p. 293-323.

Koeberl, C., & Shirey, S. B. (1993). Detection of a Meteoritic Component in Ivory Coast Tektites with Rhenium-Osmium Isotopes. Science, 261, 595–598.

Shirey, S.B., 1992, The Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd and Re-Os isotopic systems and the cosmochronology and geochronology of igneous rocks, in Ayuso Robert, A., and Schultz Klaus, J., eds., Informal notes; workshop on the Application of isotope systems to geological problems.: Open-File Report - U. S. Geological Survey: Reston, VA, United States, U. S. Geological Survey, p. 162-192.

Nicholson, S.W., and Shirey, S.B., 1992, Nd and Pb isotopic evolution of basalts of the 1.1 Ga Midcontinent Rift; evidence for a region-wide model for plume-lithosphere-asthenosphere interaction, in Ayuso Robert, A., and Schultz Klaus, J., eds., Informal notes; workshop on the Application of isotope systems to geological problems.: Open-File Report - U. S. Geological Survey: Reston, VA, United States, U. S. Geological Survey, p. 155-161.

Klewin, K.W., and Shirey, S.B., 1992, The igneous petrology and magmatic evolution of the Midcontinent Rift system: Tectonophysics, v. 213, p. 33-40.

Ellam, R.M., Carlson, R.W., and Shirey, S.B., 1992, Evidence from Re-Os isotopes for plume-lithosphere mixing in Karoo flood basalt genesis: Nature, v. 359, p. 718-721.

Walker, R.J., Echeverria, L.M., Shirey, S.B., and Horan, M.F., 1991, Re-Os isotopic constraints on the origin of volcanic rocks, Gorgona Island, Colombia; Os isotopic evidence for ancient heterogeneities in the mantle: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 107, p. 150-162.

Shirey, S.B., 1991, The Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd and Re-Os isotopic systems; a summary and comparison of their applications to the cosmochronology and geochronology of igneous rocks, in Heaman, L., and Ludden John, N., eds., Applications of radiogenic isotope systems to problems in geology; short course handbook., Volume 19: Short Course Handbook: Toronto, ON, Canada, Mineralogical Association of Canada, p. 103-166.

Klewin, K.W., Berg, J.H., Shirey, S.B., Carlson, R.W., and Anonymous, 1991, Isotopic and trace element evidence for time progressive changes in the source region of flood basalts: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 72, p. 280.

Barrie, C.T., and Shirey, S.B., 1991, Nd- and Sr-isotope systematics for the Kamiskotia-Montcalm area; implications for the formation of late Archean crust in the western Abitibi Subprovince, Canada: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 28, p. 58-76.

Nicholson, S.W., and Shirey, S.B., 1990, Midcontinent Rift volcanism in the Lake Superior region; Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic evidence for a mantle plume origin: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 95, p. 10,851-10,868.

Johnson, C.M., Esperanca, S., Carlson, R.W., and Shirey, S.B., 1990, Lower crustal evolution under central Arizona; Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic and geochemical evidence from the mafic xenoliths of Camp Creek; discussion and reply: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 99, p. 400-409.

Bedard, L.P., Stern, R.A., Hanson, G.N., and Shirey, S.B., 1990, Petrogenesis of mantle-derived, LILE-enriched Archean monzodiorites and trachyandesites (sanukitoids) in southwestern Superior Province; discussion and reply: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 27, p. 1135-1137.

Walker, R.J., Shirey, S.B., Hanson, G.N., Rajamani, V., and Horan, M.F., 1989, Re-Os, Rb-Sr, and O isotopic systematics of the Archean Kolar schist belt, Karnataka, India: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 53, p. 3005-3013.

Walker, R.J., Carlson, R.W., Shirey, S.B., and Boyd, F.R., 1989, Os, Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope systematics of Southern African peridotite xenoliths; implications for the chemical evolution of subcontinental mantle: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 53, p. 1583-1595.

Stern, R.A., Hanson, G.N., and Shirey, S.B., 1989, Petrogenesis of mantle-derived, LILE-enriched Archean monzodiorites and trachyandesites (sanukitoids) in southwestern Superior Province: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 26, p. 1688-1712.

Rajamani, V., Shirey, S.B., and Hanson, G.N., 1989, Fe-rich Archean tholeiites derived from melt-enriched mantle sources; evidence from the Kolar schist belt, South India: Journal of Geology, v. 97, p. 487-501.

Lambert, D.D., Morgan, J.W., Walker, R.J., Shirey, S.B., Carlson, R.W., Zientek, M.L., and Koski, M.S., 1989, Rhenium-osmium and samarium-neodymium isotopic systematics of the Stillwater Complex: Science, v. 244, p. 1169-1174.

Walker, R.J., Shirey, S.B., and Stecher, O., 1988, Comparative Re-Os, Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr isotope and trace element systematics for Archean komatiite flows from Munro Township, Abitibi Belt, Ontario: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 87, p. 1-12.

Shirey, S.B., and Nielsen, R.L., 1988, Petrology, in Anonymous, ed., Annual review issue., Volume 33; 2: Geotimes: Alexandria, VA, United States, American Geological Institute, p. 49-51.

Esperanca, S., Carlson, R.W., and Shirey, S.B., 1988, Lower crustal evolution under central Arizona; Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic and geochemical evidence from the mafic xenoliths of Camp Creek: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 90, p. 26-40.

Shirey, S.B., Bender, J.F., and Langmuir, C.H., 1987, Three-component isotopic heterogeneity near the Oceanographer Transform, Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Nature, v. 325, p. 217-223.

Shirey, S.B., Banner, J.L., and Hanson, G.N., 1987, Cation-exchange column calibration for Sr and the REE by EDTA titration: Chemical Geology; Isotope Geoscience Section, v. 65, p. 183-187.

Shirey, S.B., 1987, Petrology: Geotimes, v. 32, p. 46-47.

Shirey, S.B., and Hanson, G.N., 1986, Mantle heterogeneity and crustal recycling in Archean granite-greenstone belts; evidence from Nd isotopes and trace elements in the Rainy Lake area, Superior Province, Ontario, Canada: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 50, p. 2631-2651.

Rajamani, V., Shivkumar, K., Hanson, G.N., and Shirey, S.B., 1985, Geochemistry and petrogenesis of amphibolites, Kolar schist belt, South India; evidence for komatiitic magma derived by low percentages of melting of the mantle: Journal of Petrology, v. 26, p. 92-123.

Shirey, S.B., and Hanson, G.N., 1984, Mantle-derived Archaean monzodiorites and trachyandesites: Nature, v. 310, p. 222-224.

Shirey, S.B., 1984, The origin of Archean crust in the Rainy Lake area, Ontario.

Shirey, S.B., and Hanson, G.N., 1983, Granitic rocks and metasediments in Archean crust, Rainy Lake area, Ontario; Nd isotope evidence for mantle-like Sm/ Nd sources, in Ashwal Lewis, D., and Card Kenneth, D., eds., Workshop on a cross section of Archean crust., Volume 83-03: LPI Technical Report: Houston, TX, United States, Lunar and Planetary Institute, p. 83-86.

Padovani, E.R., Shirey, S.B., and Simmons, G., 1982, Characteristics of microcracks in amphibolite and granulite facies grade rocks from southeastern Pennsylvania: JGR. Journal of Geophysical Research. B, v. 87, p. 8605-8630.